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Sole Stopper
Sole Stopper

Sole Stopper

Your Price: $8.00
In Stock
Part Number:VFSSST01

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Product descriptions:
*Fashionable solutions to protect your outer soles and turn your favorite dance shoes into street shoes in seconds.
*Ultra grip stops the slip and slide.  
*Thin design, durable and flexible.
*Protect soles from wear and tear.
*Extends outer sole life for the span of your dance shoes.
*Prevents you from slipping on wet or slick surfaces.
*Add instant traction.
*Self adhesive stays firmly on your shoes.
*One pair per package.

1. Ensure sole area of shoe is clean and dry.
2. Peel off the adhesive backing.
3. Put it on the soles of your dance shoes and press firmly.
4. Once it is stuck in place it can be removed but the stickiness will be diminished significantly after the first use.

Made of: Rubber & Adhesive Tape

5 Stars
Sole stopper
What a great idea. I have not tried these but I have purchased them to re sell to our brides to be. When I teach bridal couples one of the main problems brides have is that most bridal shoes are a hard plastic sole and slip and polished floors. These sole stoppers will definitely be a blessing for them.
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Reviewed by:  from Merbein, Australia. on 11/23/2015
3 Stars
sole stopper
They stay on for a long time. Can't be reaplied after taken off despite description on back.
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Reviewed by:  from chicago. on 8/7/2014

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